Welcome to my new Blog, just about managed to set it up!!!
I will be adding new workshop details as I go, and showing photos of my students work.
I would like to share photos of my work for exhibitions and items I have sent for sale.(that's if I can discover why I can't add photos??)
My latest workshop was designed for beginners in Free Machine Embroidery & for those who are more advanced and that have attended the previous beginners class.
Despite only having 6 students on the day, as 2 had unfortunately cancelled early on the morning of the workshop, we had great fun and I really enjoyed interacting with the remaining brave six.
It is great to see the light dawning in the eyes of beginners & the knowledge that they now GET IT!
' Ladies at Work'
We all machined into old tights, which resulted in beautiful distorted lacy pieces of work, which can be used to embellish bags etc.
My next workshop is Felting Landscapes, sharing the technique I learned at a recent EG workshop with Janet Phillips from The Threshing Barn- this technique using resists is an easy way to wet felt, less arduous and strenuous for those with arthritic hands!
My partially completed landscape-'Sacred Valley of the Incas' |
This will be on Wed 30th April 10.00-4.00 at Avant Garden Centre, Wigan Rd, Leyland PR25 5XW Tel 01772 433777- anyone interested should contact them for details & to book.
I am also doing a further workshop on Wed 4th June, on needle felting & embellishing- hopefully those attending the felting workshop, can learn how to further embellish their felted landscapes. However the workshop can also stand alone, & new students are welcome also.