Monday, 23 June 2014

Fairy Glen

My Family have been visiting & we decided to go to Leyland Carnival as despite living in Leyland for 20+ years & had only been once many moons ago. We only managed to see the end of the procession as we walked to the top of Fox lane & it took longer than expected- however I was pleasantly surprised to see the variety of floats & excellent Commercial vehicles & the show in Worden Park was beautifully laid out- & reasonable prices.

We then decided to visit Fairy Glen on the Sunday & take a picnic- what a treat, beautiful weather & scenery. However we must remember that my family are townies & do not really enjoy walking!!! 

After a bit of freaking out we did picnic amidst the grass & insects in the meadow just out of the Glen- fantastic views & sights of possibly kestrels etc??? Thats were my townie bit comes in!!!

On the way back we hit on a plan that Gabby would use my camera & take her own photos- what a change in attitude- no more moaning & she galloped ahead snapping every interesting thing in sight- no mention of computer characters or anything remotely related to a Pokemon.

Here are some of her photos, I have left out the Dog's Doo photo!!

Friday, 13 June 2014

Jill & Johns Wedding

Just down South for my Sister's wedding tomorrow- will post some photos later- I am in charge of handing out confetti- big responsibility!!!

Good weather forecast for tomorrow- so we should all be sweating nicely- however we should also have a great day.

Day went very well & as predicted was extremely hot & sticky, and only rained when I was called to have a photo done alone with Jill, and it poured down!!! It then cleared up when other photos were taken. I should take the hint as I hate my photo being taken!!

Anyway here are some photos as promised- hopefully Kris's photos will be better.

Jill, John, Willow, Mia, Alisa & Izzy

Jill & Johns Children, partners & Grandchild

Jill & Vince(my Son-in-Law) who gave Jill away.

Wednesday, 4 June 2014

Embellishment made easy workshop

After another very successful workshop at Avant, in which the seven students went a good way to completing their felted landscapes, I have landed home- tired but pleased.

It is good when students feel they have achieved what they set out to do, and maybe learned something new on the way. I know at least 3 ladies faced their fear & tried the embellishing machine. They loved it & I think sales of embellishers will be rising in the next few weeks!

Here are a few photos of the students at work & their work.