Saturday, 29 August 2015

weaving -novice style

Hi all thought I would bring you up to date on my latest thing!!!

I have bought a loom & actually managed to produce a piece of fabric- not sure what I want to do with it yet, however I am reasonably pleased with it.

I did have one lesson on how to set loom up and how to proceed, but obviously had to finish weaving it up at home,

I have booked a further lesson in October, as I really do not feel confident in setting up the loom on finer wool 10 dent heddle!!!

My intention is to make a wall hanging for our next years exhibition on the theme of Freedom- I have had some ideas & quite a good one this morning whilst half asleep & half awake- I will need to write it down as my memory can be patchy these days. I will not give much away here, as I have not really formulated the idea yet.

Needless to say I want to start experimenting with textured yarns in a more contemporary way. This must be the textile designer coming to the fore.

Below are some photos of my first efforts- I will not enlarge the photos too much as I am not happy with the right hand tension on the selvedge & there are a few tiny errors. My tutor says I am too picky???

Thursday, 27 August 2015

Skirmish cancelled- but we still soldier on!

Heard some bad news today- due to unforeseen circumstances the Skirmish Weekend has been cancelled. However as Caroline and I have put so much effort into our costumes etc we have been asked to still run our stall- dressed up as course!

We do not need to take our gazebo, which may be a good idea as I believe the weather forecast is not great, as we can put our stall in doors somewhere- not yet told where.

Its a great disappointment as we were looking forward to the re-enactment. However you can't change what has happened and must adapt to new circumstances.

I spent nearly all day yesterday sorting out the stuff to sell as we had put some by especially for the Skirmish. luckily that still fits in with the period of Samlesbury Hall so will be okay.

stacked up

some of my jewellery

Carolines stuff and our pulse warmer stand

I will post some info and more pictures of the non-event after the weekend.

Tuesday, 25 August 2015

Scorton Craft fair 23rd August

Hi all- back again after the craft fair at Scorton, near Garstang.

This event was held by Hopeful and Glorious, and as usual had a good mix of artists who's work is of a high standard.

The day started very sunny and quite muggy, so we knew bad weather would be on it's way!!! However it was great to be able to unload the car and actually stroll into the village hall, without the mad dash in the rain.

Marguerita helped me on this occasion as Caroline was busy, and I was so thankful for her assistance, as these days can be very tiring.- I'm getting on now!!!

The event started at 11.00am but a few people wandered in earlier, and there was a steady flow all day. As usual plenty of people said they loved the work, but did not want to part with their money. However as the day went on we did manage to sell some items.

The pulse warmers that I made really for next week's Skirmish Craft Fair at Samlesbury Hall, went down a bomb, with plenty of interest, lots of me modelling them and some sales. We have now purchased a display hand in perspex for the next craft fairs, as my hands are not the best to show off  our work, wrinkles and un- manicured nails!!!!

In fact we had so much interest that a pair were stolen by  I think by walkers, not what you expect from that type of person??? We must be more vigilant in future, and I hope she has a wool allergy!!!!

One member of the public bought a pair and suggested I make them for weddings----so watch this space.

Overall we both enjoyed the day, some sales, plenty of networking and loads of fun!
The only small downside was as expected the heavens opened just as we were packing up at 4.00pm- hey ho!

Marguerita looking stunning in dappled sunlight

Selection of goodies- pulse warmers can be seen lower left of picture

window view

me looking reasonable in a photo for once

Thursday, 20 August 2015

more wonderful fimo offerings from gaby

Gaby my youngest Grand-Daughter has made two more Animes out of Fimo. Her best yet I think- hopefully she will get around to sending me a comparison photo of the two models as she did in a past post.

Anyway here are my photos.

Gaby at work

As you can see the detail is stunning, I think she has a future in developing this type of work- of course she may become a road digger or brain surgeon - who knows???

Mysteries of Machine Embroidery-workshop

Hi all I have arranged a new workshop 'Mysteries of Machine Embroidery' the details are below-

Learn how to use your sewing machine to free machine embroidery, suitable for beginners and the more advanced.

Tuesday 8th September 10.00am to 4.00pm with Sue Chisnall-Sumner at Avant Garden Centre, Wigan Road, Leyland, Lancashire PR25 5XW tel 01772 433777 to book and obtain the requirement list & details. £40.00 which includes lunch and refreshments during the day,

Saturday, 15 August 2015

Messy workers

One more step to Skirmish Weekend- Caroline and I had a bash at making some more talisman. They were originally going to be totems for Medieval Fair, but as now a Jacobean re-enactment we have decided to change the name to fit a more war like period.

Using wood, wire, fabrics, wool, beads etc we assembled seven very strange objects. Not sure what to charge for them or whether they will appeal to the public.

However we don't mind too much as we had fun making them. Loads of mess, chaos but fun.

Glad its not my carpet!

muddle of wire & twigs

Will let you know what the outcome is.

Wednesday, 12 August 2015

craftie days

Great day yesterday with my youngest Grand Daughter Gaby making fimo figures- she is very talented -takes after her Nanny Zoo (that's me!)

She is great at drawing and using the computer, and specialises in Animes and Pokamon. In fact thats all she talks about!

Below are some photos of her work. Gaby's fimo models are on the left---

I  also attempted some fimo buttons and one bead using the little waste bits of fimo.

I also attempted  some pulse warmers for Gaby, based on Flutter Shy. Not bad eh???

Sunday, 9 August 2015

Further preparation for Skirmish

Well, low and behold I received the poster for the fair and it turns out that this year it will be based on The Jacobite Rebellion 1745- which is about 200 years after the Medieval period! Consequently my outfit is no good as completely the wrong period.

Back to the drawing board!!!!

Having done some research I came up with a few ideas- to keep costs down I have used one of my blouses from M&S but had to cut the collar off. I also found a black jacket in my wardrobe that with alteration would fit the bill nicely. Hence a Butcher Job again - off goes the collar and zip, the sleeves have been shortened & cuts made into the bottom edge. Voila a Jacobian jacket!!!. I did machine embroider around the slits which resulted in plenty of re -threading and replacement of broken needles, as the fabric is very tough. However I think the results are fairly good.

I made a quick journey to my local fabric shop for striped material for the skirt and cotton muslin for a petticoat.

The overall look is quite authentic or though my Grandaughter reckons I should wear a bonnet- not sure about that, but may try to knock one up later.

Photos below show outfit so far.

not the best model in the world!!!

back view -thats better! But maybe I should ditch the watch???