Wednesday, 16 July 2014

'Encaustically Rich' workshop

NB.This workshop has been cancelled & a new date arranged for Saturday 4th October. Same details as before.

My new workshop 'Encaustically Rich' will be held at Avant Garden Centre, Wigan Road, Leyland, PR25 5XW 10.00am to 4.00pm on Wednesday 10th September. Please contact Avant on T01772 433777 to book & obtain a requirement list. The price is £35.00 for the day which will include a light lunch, all refreshments during the day and the use of encaustic equipment.

The aim is to make pieces of jewellery, eg earrings, necklaces, bracelets & brooches, which you can wear yourself or give as presents for birthdays & Christmas.

African Inspired earrings
Earrings & necklace
Indian Inspired earrings & necklace set

Earrings & necklet set

 We will also be applying waxes to fabric in different ways, this fabric can then be stitched into & perhaps beaded. You will then have a selection of fabrics which you can then use to make bags, purses, mobile phone/spectacle cases or book covers, either at home or in a further workshop.

The technique is simple to learn, but great fun and the end products are both beautiful & unique.

Wax on fabric which has been hand embroidered & applied to a ground of felt to make into a book cover
waxed fabric bag

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