Thursday, 17 September 2015

Naturally Dyed workshop

  Hi All here is my new workshop-

 The aim of this workshop is to experiment with natural dyes, which can include onion skins, leaves,
 fruits eg raspberries, tea & coffee. We will also use logwood, madder etc. These dyes work better    on natural fabrics such as cotton, wool, linen and silk- but it will be good fun to use different  textured fabrics. The dyed fabrics can then be used to make bags, wall hangings, book covers etc.
 This method of dyeing produces lovely soft colours and sometimes quite unexpected effects and  tones. We will also try tie dyeing to add variety to the pieces.

 The workshop will include the use of all the dyes/mordants on the day.

                                          JUST COME WITH AN OPEN MIND AND PLAY!!!! 

Tuesday 6th October 10.00am to 6.00pm at Avant Garden Centre, Wigan Road, Leyland Lancs
 PR25 5XW tel 01772 433777- £40.00 which includes tuition, lunch and refreshments during the day.

Telephone Avant to book and obtain the requirement list.

my sample hanging

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