Wednesday, 20 January 2016

'Layered' machine embroidery workshop

I am arranging a new workshop at Avant Garden Centre - Students will make a bag or hanging, using layered light fabrics such as voiles and sheer materials, which have been embellished using the technique of free machine embroidery,

Details below-

'Layered' Machine Embroidery workshop with Sue Chisnall-Sumner Tuesday 23rd February 10.00am to 4.00pm.

Avant Garden Centre, Wigan Road, Leyland, Lancashire PR25 5XW 01772 433777. £40.00 which includes full tuition, a light lunch and refreshments. Contact Avant to book and obtain the requirement list.

Bag showing edges which have been made by free machine stitching into stretchy fabric on a frame and then cut out with scissors to represent seaweed.

close up of bag

The bag is made from sheer fabrics & fancy threads which have been layered and free machine stitched.
I have based the colours and textures on the Sea and Seaweed. Beads and scrim  have been added for focal point.

hanging based on a  landscape inspired by Capability Brown. I have used velvet fabrics, satin and sheers which have been free machine stitched to give texture. The trees have has dyed scrim added to give depth.

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