Sunday, 8 May 2016

Anticipation- new workshop

I have decided to run a workshop at Avant on my new passion -alcohol Inks- I have had a few for a long time and have only rarely used them, as not really sure what I could do with them.

However after looking at Pintrest re alcohol inks, I bought a book- like you do!!! I also purchased quite a few additional colours, some yupo paper and alcohol rubbing ink.

I have managed to make a few samples, on yupo paper, encaustic paper, canvas and fabrics- silk works really well!

I am going to have a go on leather, tile, glass and metal.

You can achieve some very strange effects, by manipulation and sheer luck.

The workshop is Tuesday 24th May 10.00-4.00 at Avant Garden Centre, Wigan Road, Leyland PR25 5XW 01772 433777. £40.00 which includes full tuition, a light lunch and refreshments. Contact Avant to book and obtain the requirement list.

I will add photos of my masterpieces when I get home.

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