Thursday, 20 November 2014

The Mystery of the Embellisher-Solved!

The workshop went very well, with a small friendly group of ladies attending. The 'newbies' to the technique soon cottoned on & were well away. The results were some lovely & very interesting pieces of work,

I think everyone went home feeling more confident with their machines, despite broken needles & screw driver problems- why oh why do manufacturers tighten screws on their machines so much, and make it so fiddly to change needle?.

My thanks go to my friend Caroline who popped in after lunch to act as my technician, and make numerous cups of tea. Of course more importantly she helped my clear up & also load & unload my car at home.

Of course I still have to put all the stuff away, which I left in piles in the hall to sort out today.
Judith & Pam

Michelle, Val & Rosie

Here are some photos from the day. Despite none of the pieces being completely finished, they all look great & have potential as hangings.

We used pieces of light fabric, cotton, silk, scrim etc, with wool & silk tops included.

Great Day- what can be acheived by using a silly sewing machine with no thread!!!

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