Thursday, 20 November 2014

Tray Dyeing Session at home

On 12th Nov I ran a  tray dyeing & decolourant workshop in my home. I can accommodate 2 students (just about!)

It was very successful & both Diane & Nicky enjoyed the day- as did Sky the Dog!

I had decided to run this workshop as a test to see if it would work & to iron out any problems, as tray dyeing is a difficult one to run as a day workshop.(the fabric is best left overnight in the trays)

I mixed the dyes up before the workshop started as this takes a fair bit of time & you need to be precise with the measurements.

So when we started at 11.00 all was in order & ready to go!

I had decided that we would manipulate the fabrics & dye them before lunch, and after we would play with decolourant on some ready dyed silk scarves & plain dark fabrics.

This order worked well & I can now make this into a day workshop. Funily enough I have now been asked to do a workshop at Alston Hall, & have agreed to run this workshop on 6th May 2015.

Here are some photos from the day

Diane trying out the decolourant on a silk scarf

Busy Bees!

Nicky & Diane at work

Trays stacked on cooker ready for the long soak.

novel idea for a bin!

Nicky's washing!

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