Thursday, 30 March 2017

off I go

Hi well having been a bit quiet period for blogging, I am off to Turkey very shortly. On my return I should hopefully be able to write an article and add loads of photos.

I have just helped put up 'Fusion' at Astley Farmhouse Gallery - a joint venture with One-Step-On, Quilters Guild, Natural Progression Textile Group and Parbold Embroiderers Guild- see Parbold EG News blog for loads of photos & details.

Here are a few of mine-

'John's Shed' centre top

Waterfall on the left

'Cor Limey!' jewellery & 'Moss' scarf

'In relief' on the right (doesn't photogaph well as all white)

'Completion 1' jewellery set & 'Midnight; scarf

'Springtime' on the right

'Molten Streams of Silver'

'Rivers of Fire'
This week I have taken down exhibition at Chorley Library and run a stall at a craft fair, as well as trying to pack for my holiday. I suppose it has been quiet!!!!!!!!

Monday, 20 March 2017

Blossoming Art Exhibition and craft fair

I have submitted some work in the Blossoming Art exhibition which is being held on Saturday 25th March 10.00am to 5.00pm and Sunday 26th March 10.00am to 4.00pm.

It is being held at Bilsborrow Village Hall, Garstang Road (A6) Church lane, Bilsborrow, Preston PR3 0RE Free admission- Refreshments available 10.00am to 4.30pm  for further details tel 01253 799119, email or visit www.blossoming

In addition to the exhibition there will be craft stalls both days, with an additional demo on the Saturday by Sheilagh Bond in association with Kurloon Krafts 10.00am to 4.00pm.

Caroline and myself are running a craft stall selling textile art on the Sunday- come & visit us & bring your Mother and buy her a lovely gift!!!

Photos will follow after the event.

Caroline looking beautiful as usual

Myself looking not so beautiful

Julia Triston workshop- 'Design-Colour'

We had a great day on Sunday 19th March with Julia Triston. It was arranged by me for members of Natural Progression Textile Group, and we were joined by a further five members of One-Step-On.

It was a busy but productive day, with plenty of tearing, sticking, and glueing- Play time.

However the aim was to help us design work, by learning how colour changes and enhances.

A very complex and difficult subject to tackle, but Julia taught us how to deal with this, and how to look at colour in a different way.

Firstly we  decided which colour we each preferred and which colour we did not really like- Green won the preferred list, and either yellow or red were the most disliked. All very much subjective.

Green was the tricky one, and we did have a laugh when looking at the results of our green experiment- all in the eye of the beholder-

Believe this or not, each downward row represents a specific shade of green, you can see either how each student perceives the shade or how badly they mix their paints to achieve the outcome!!!

We all did an exercise on warm & cold colours, by collaging torn pieces from magazines, then making bundles of fabric and threads in those colour ways.

We then chose a picture or photo, isolated an area & had to work out the percentages of every colour in that area- nightmare for most of us that cannot do maths- the calculator on my phone came in very handy.

We then had to wind threads around a card, representing the amounts of each colour in ascending order- brain ache!!!

We were then given a project to make a design of our own choice in the percentages of each of the colours.

This was to mainly be in fabric and bondawebbed onto a backing- this proved difficult as my bondaweb was past its best & would not behave- however some glue and a lot of cussing proved to work in a fashion.

All work was to be in a sketch book, which could be used for future designs.

I chose to work in a Bauhaus Theme, as this is what Parbold EG will be using at an Open Day in 2019. Good planning I hope???

Friday, 17 March 2017

Action after a quiet period

Hi well March is turning out to be a busy time for me. Unfortunately I have had the dreaded vertigo, and was out of action for quite a while. I have now nearly recovered thankfully, and will have to soldier on.

I was asked to give Lytham Embroiderers Guild a workshop- 'Nifty Needle Felting' on 15th March.

My friend Caroline helped me out as driver and technician, and I am very grateful, as they had over 35 members and visitors. A huge amount of ladies to teach and help.

However due to help from Caroline and the really goodwill of the lovely ladies from Lytham, we managed, and I believe they had a great time.

We had less than two hours, so it was a bit rushed, but everyone joined in and I think all atleast started on a piece of work.

My aim was to get them to make a small item that could be finished off at home. Brooches, boxes, bracelets, needle cases etc were being constructed. I sold quite a few of my packs which contained all the materials to make either a box, bracelet or brooch, along with directions. So we may have some budding needle felters.

Here are a few photos taken by Caroline of the ladies at work, I have not included the one of me as I look very flustered, hot and fat.


Here are some of my samples-

1" & 1 1/2" boxes

