It was a busy but productive day, with plenty of tearing, sticking, and glueing- Play time.
However the aim was to help us design work, by learning how colour changes and enhances.
A very complex and difficult subject to tackle, but Julia taught us how to deal with this, and how to look at colour in a different way.
Firstly we decided which colour we each preferred and which colour we did not really like- Green won the preferred list, and either yellow or red were the most disliked. All very much subjective.
Believe this or not, each downward row represents a specific shade of green, you can see either how each student perceives the shade or how badly they mix their paints to achieve the outcome!!!
We all did an exercise on warm & cold colours, by collaging torn pieces from magazines, then making bundles of fabric and threads in those colour ways.
We then chose a picture or photo, isolated an area & had to work out the percentages of every colour in that area- nightmare for most of us that cannot do maths- the calculator on my phone came in very handy.
We then had to wind threads around a card, representing the amounts of each colour in ascending order- brain ache!!!
We were then given a project to make a design of our own choice in the percentages of each of the colours.
This was to mainly be in fabric and bondawebbed onto a backing- this proved difficult as my bondaweb was past its best & would not behave- however some glue and a lot of cussing proved to work in a fashion.
All work was to be in a sketch book, which could be used for future designs.
I chose to work in a Bauhaus Theme, as this is what Parbold EG will be using at an Open Day in 2019. Good planning I hope???
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