Friday, 17 March 2017

Action after a quiet period

Hi well March is turning out to be a busy time for me. Unfortunately I have had the dreaded vertigo, and was out of action for quite a while. I have now nearly recovered thankfully, and will have to soldier on.

I was asked to give Lytham Embroiderers Guild a workshop- 'Nifty Needle Felting' on 15th March.

My friend Caroline helped me out as driver and technician, and I am very grateful, as they had over 35 members and visitors. A huge amount of ladies to teach and help.

However due to help from Caroline and the really goodwill of the lovely ladies from Lytham, we managed, and I believe they had a great time.

We had less than two hours, so it was a bit rushed, but everyone joined in and I think all atleast started on a piece of work.

My aim was to get them to make a small item that could be finished off at home. Brooches, boxes, bracelets, needle cases etc were being constructed. I sold quite a few of my packs which contained all the materials to make either a box, bracelet or brooch, along with directions. So we may have some budding needle felters.

Here are a few photos taken by Caroline of the ladies at work, I have not included the one of me as I look very flustered, hot and fat.


Here are some of my samples-

1" & 1 1/2" boxes



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