Wednesday 21 May 2014

getting on with 'stuff'

Hi I have nearly finished my pieces for the exhibition 'Spirit of Place'- just a bag to make, embellish some silk scarves and make a 'whirling dervish' man-if it works out???.

I have now decided to put my hand embroidered silk purse into the exhibition- this was completed with a Dorset Button made using an earring finding(very fiddly) & a loop, plus a fine handmade cord. I am extremely pleased with the result as I do not usually incorporate much hand stitching into my pieces of work, & this piece is all hand stitched apart from the machine stitched edge- Victory I have found my hand stitch mojo!

The folded purse is very small and dainty-not my normal style- but with all the hard work involved as all 10 squares making up the purse are hand stitched in a variety of stitches, I have decided it will not be for sale. Can you blame me?
'Asian Heritage'
 My whirling Dervish picture inspired by my trip to Capadoccia in Turkey, has been printed with a handmade stamp onto cotton fabric, and embellished with free machine stitch & mixed media, with the main 'dervish' being made by free machine embroidering onto sheers sandwiched between two layers of dissolvable fabric. This gives it a stand alone quality as I did not remove all the glue.
 Hopefully everything will come together, the catalogue will look stunning, the labels will look professional & the hall's refurbishments will be complete!

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